We're Making Progress!
As I wrote on our Facebook page, our monthly report from Bugisi Clinic, that we support, shows that it has increased the number of pregnant women attending the prenatal clinic. The number of pregnant women enrolled in prenatal care rose from 48 in January 2018 to 111 in August 2018! That's over a 50% increase! Word of mouth in the villages has encouraged the women to travel to the clinic for prenatal and delivery care. Once there, they find a welcoming and clean environment with an atmosphere of respect and professionalism by the staff.
We originally contracted to provide an ultrasound to each pregnant woman, prenatal vitamins to help curb malnutrition and death of mothers and infants, and a piece of traditional fabric, khanga, to each baby delivered in the health center for one year initially. That year ends in March 2019.
BUT we need your help! In order to continue our services in increasing numbers, we need your support! Our goal was to increase the number of women obtaining proper medical care during pregnancy, and the period between September and December is the time when more maternal/child deaths occur. Money from crops is used up and malnutrition becomes rampant, especially for the vulnerable in the population.
Prenatal Vitamins cost approximately $150/mother for the pregnancy and 6 months of breastfeeding (as recommended by US physicians).
One ultrasound/mother costs $2.50
One khanga costs $3.50/infant
Please CONSIDER donating a monthly allotment(preferred for continuity) or a yearly donation, if possible.
Our team is truly grateful for your help and prayers!
God bless you!